Student Resources

The life of the Catholic medical professional is one of vocation.  In the context of our work, Our Lord calls us to know Him, to love Him and to serve Him and those He places in our care.  He calls us to Love.  Our Holy Father Benedict XVI gives us more insight into this Love in his encyclical Deus Caritas Est. 

How do I get to know God better? 

God did not leave us in the dark.  He gave us His Word in the Holy Bible.  Through His Son Jesus, He gave us the sacraments--the outward signs of His Love.  He invites us to converse with Him through prayer.  He waits for our response to His invitation.  We are prompted by His Holy Spirit.

How do I grow in my faith while I am studying to be a doctor? 

People, places and things (good habits) can help you grow in your relationship with Christ and

with His People-- the Church in your community, your friends and family, your colleagues and your patients.

Want to know more about prayer? 

It is the foundation of your day-to-day relationship with God.  Set aside a few minutes a day to connect with the Lord.  Bring everything to Him.  He loves to hear from you.  In addition to the "Prayers" toolbar on the left, here are some sites to help you:

Where can I go to meet others who are interested in their faith and to receive the sacraments?

See the "Places of Interest" tab under Medical Students on this website.  Introduce yourself to one of the priests or staff.  To find Mass times for churches in the area,  visit or the website for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

How can I learn more about caring for patients as a Catholic physician?

In parallel to those things taught in the medical school curriculum, Catholic physicians learn to place suffering in a Christian context.  We also come to know that we must be advocates for our patients in a culture that does not support Christian values.  We work to create a "Culture of Life" by learning what the issues are and doing our best to bring Christ into our medical and moral decision-making.  In addition to the Resources found in the physicians' portion of this website, here are some other sites that may help you: 


The Culture Project

Philadelphia Archdiocese:

Vatican web site:   Great source for encyclicals.

Catholic Answers:  Catholic apologetics and more.  Karl Keating. 

Generation Life:    Regional movement of young people committed to building a culture of life by spreading the messages of life and love to other   young people.

On-line Bible (RSV):  Text and search engine.

Catechism of the Catholic Church:

Catholic Medical Association:  National CMA website

Catholic Medical Students Association:  National CMSA website.

Selected Readings

Here are some reading materials that you may find helpful in your spiritual journey.  Feel free to conctact us with publications you find helpful--share them with others!

The Imitation of Christ; Thomas a Kempis

St. Francis De Sales, An Introduction to the Devout Life.

Rockford, Ill.: Tan Books and Publishers, Inc., 1994

A primer for laypeople to develop their spiritual life.

Scupoli, Lorenzo,  Spiritual Combat: How to win your spiritual battles and attain inner peace.  Manchester, NH: Sophia Institute Press, 2002

Predecessor to St. Francis de Sales’ classic.  Introduction speaks of St. Francis carrying this text around with him for ready reference for over 20 years.

His Holiness John Paul II, Crossing the Threshold of Hope. 

New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1994. 

The Pope speaks on prayer, the world’s religions, youth, respect for life and current issues

Brinkman (OCDS), Susan, Lord, Teach Us to Pray.   

Philadelphia, PA: The Catholic Standard and Times, 2002.  Call: 215 587-3666.

Nice collection of articles on prayer originally published in the Phila.Catholic Standard & Times

The Word Among Us.  Magazine with meditations on the daily readings, plus short articles.

Ijamsville, MD: The Word Among Us.  1800 773-9673;


3/8/2025  Saturday 
Lenten Morning of Repentance & Reflection