
Crisis Pregnancy Help - click here or see our links page and look under Crisis Pregnancy

Down Syndrome Support Brochure

Parish Bulletin Inserts

Parish Bulletin Inserts







Problems Associated with Hormonal Contraception Brochure (pdf)

Spiritual Resources for Priests (pdf)

Spitual Resources for Patients (pdf)


Webinar - Informed Consent in Youth and SSA

Potion or Poison, Medical Alternatives to the Pill (pdf of a power point presentation)

Evidenced-Based Ethics - This is a series of slide presentations that examines the scientific evidence supporting the Catholic Church's ethical teachings in various medically relevant areas.  Feel free to use these as an education tool for your organization or at your parish.

Press Release

CMA and NCBC Respond to Misleading Statement from The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and Physicians for Reproductive Health: Abortion Can Be Medically Necessary

The 5th International Symposium on Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body , June 28 – 30, 2019

Note: Sponsored by St. John Neumann Guild of Philadelphia

The videos of all of the talks were sponsored by the Philadelphia Guild of the CMA.

Three of the talks are of particular interest for health care professionals:
Obianuju Ekeocha, a clear, powerful and loving voice from Africa expresses the truth about the ethos of the wide African cultures that have in common a love for life.

Cardinal Eijk, the Archbishop of Utrecht, a medical doctor by training, gives a very insightful talk about euthanasia, and develops a response to the practice based on Theology of the Body.

Dr. Marguerite Duane delivers an engaging lecture on The Facts About Fertility.

All of the speakers inform their lectures with the profound text of Pope St. John Paul II known as Theology of the Body, which contains a rich wealth of information that can inform all fields of knowledge, including the medical sciences, with a Catholic ethos concerning the dignity of persons. The purpose of these Symposia, all five of which can be viewed at this website, is to continue the work of unfolding the riches of John Paul’s teaching as a way to deepen an understanding of the goodness of the truth contained within a Catholic approach to life, health and human relationships.


3/8/2025  Saturday 
Lenten Morning of Repentance & Reflection